Hello it’s me again – L.J.
Today: Apologies
I am sorry!
You might ask why I am apologizing. These few words are (sometimes) so difficult to express, but causes the greatest pain, even world wars, if they are NOT SAID! Let me explain to you this way.
The story in the bible in Numbers 20: 1-13 Moses has so much grief from the children of Israel that he lost his temper. He lashed out on them, got angry and did not hallow Gods name and disobeyed Gods instructions, what did it cost him? The Promised Land, he was not allowed to enter, but Joshua who had been in the temple day and night silently observing, serving Moses he took them into the Promised Land.
Those who were the source of the outburst, what did they get? Water! Well you and I might be saying but that is not just! Why Moses was so severely punished and did those people that had been complaining from the get go received what they did not deserve? Immediate punishment! Well remember that they were already under judgement, because they had earlier (Numbers 13) rejected Gods goodness, gift and blessing, they were marked for destruction, those of the age of 20 years and above.
You see when you reject and keep on rejecting Gods best for you! The consequence is death and destruction. That is why God is slow to anger, because when it gets to that point there is no return and he wants to give us every opportunity to turn back to him. Also remember that they were under the Law and not Grace as we are now! (this does NOT mean that Grace is a license to sin!) You see Christ paid our price!
The great sin Moses committed is that he did not gave honor to Gods Name, robbed the people of knowing God and did not showed the people that they were actually offending God with their mummer and complain and not Moses. Because God will share His Glory with NO ONE!
So you see 3 blogs ago I beat you with my words, and God did not approve of my harshness… For God is Love, that does not mean I told you a fib, but it means that I need to obey Him first and not let my emotions rule over me. God has done everything in His Power to save us, He has not left any stone unturned. When Jesus cried on the cross IT IS FINISHED, it was really finished! I just want all to know this and get to that understanding, because what God has for us is so wonderful that it can never be accurately described by men, you just need to experience it.
It also means that Gods Love and nature, which is: He is a Forgiving God, Slow to anger and Quick to forgive, was not portrayed enough. You see every “talk” must be balanced!
So this leaves me to apologize of the following:
- I am sorry if my words have hurt you
- I am sorry if my words have misrepresented God
- I am sorry if my words have discouraged you
- I am sorry if my words have caused you to resent God
- I am sorry if my words have frightened you
What I am glad about is that obeying God is ALWAYS the best way and will ALWAYS result in blessings and prosperity that we humans can never understand.
I love the scripture: they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death… (Revelation 12:11)
You see the b part is often skipped or not quoted, but there is the greatest deliverance, because if you get to the point that you know that you gain if you are living this life with Christ and that when you go from this earth you eternally join Christ! You will gain either way. Apostle Paul said it even more severe, he said to live is Christ and to die is GAIN! (Philippians 1:21)
Imagine no more sickness, no more pain, no more selfishness, streets paved with the finessed gold (not the one you have here that just ignites greed, but the one from the land of Havilah), that is good. (Genesis 2:11-12)
So let me encourage you with this:
Apologizing is a great way of dying to self! And humbling oneself under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt one in due season… (1 Peter 5:6)
You too can apologize, it will make the enemy loose the battle over your live, he will have to let go of his grip on whatever he is holding onto in your live. You give yourself the greatest gift when you do, for it kills pride in us and pride is a real enemy to our souls!
Beloved, you are a precious creation of God and He is more than willing and able to get you into all the good things he has for you, but all He needs from you is permission to get it to you! You see he is a real Gentleman, he does not force blessings on you, nor His will.
But as soon as you apologize and get into the habit of easy apologizing (the best off course being you have nothing to apologize for), you will see that the enemy has nothing to legally hold on to and accuse you before God. This will now enable God to reply to satan, but this one is a branch plugged from the fire and is hidden in Christ, for this one has accepted My Sons Free Gift and now has become My child and is no longer under your hold!
You will have relieve from the enemies grip, understand that God is LOVE and LOVES YOU!!!
God Bless you! – L.J.